Shodhana therapy in Ayurveda is also defined as the various procedures of eradicating diseases from the normal system of the body. It is actually considered as the second means of Ayurveda through which illness of the body is being treated. Shodhana literally means "to go away". In this specific form of treatment also known as Panchakarma, the basis or the root cause of the disease is eradicated. The shodhana therapy rids the body of Aama and malas and completely restores balance to the doshas. In simple terms, it can be said that it basically pulls the weeds out by its roots. Shodhana therapy is considered as superior to shamana therapy because it not only removes the symptoms of disease but it also eliminates their root cause.In Ayurveda, it is defined that all disease processes point to a crisis of Aama toxicity in the body. In other terms it is also called as purification therapy. It is called so because it reverses the disease mechanisms which carry toxic waste products from the digestive tract in to the several tissues of the body. In Ayurveda, it is said that there is a simple elegance to the approach and effectiveness of Panchakarma as shodhana therapy. It takes advantage of the naturally occurring cycles of doshic migration and utilizes the active phases of each dosha to draw dosha specific 'Aama' out of the dhatus and eliminate it from the body. In this way, Shodhana Chikitsa differs from every other form of treatment and it includes all other modes of detoxification and purification.In Shodhana therapy, doshas provide the vital connection between the gastrointestinal tract and the dhatus or the deep internal structures of the body. In case of the doshas, they are neither retained nor eliminated and they have the unique capability to travel throughout the body. They also transport the nutritive substances from the gastrointestinal tract to the tissues and organs and they carry unsuitable or damaging substances away from the dhatus and back to the gastrointestinal tract for elimination. Shodhana therapy emphasizes on the fact that doshas have the capacity to convey aama to the tissues as well as conduct it out of the tissues for disposal. As per the theoretical understanding of shodhana therapy, it is actually defined as cleansing therapy.
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