Saturday, 11 May 2019

Breathing Exercises, Chakras

Breathing exercises comprise various kinds of breathing in and out, to facilitate
pranayama, a tough workout.

Breathing Exercises can bring the mind to a pleasant state by enhancing and regulating the life force in the system. The ancient Yogis developed a number of breathing techniques to optimize the benefits of Prana
In YogaPranayama is used as a separate practice in itself to help clear and purify the body and mind. It is also used as a preparation for meditation. In asanas, the practice of postures 

Types of Breathing Exercises
Breathing Exercises comprise several of them in different kinds.

A few basic breathing exercises illustrated below are the ones an individual can follow:
  • Deep Breathing: This is also known as Complete Breathing. One first needs to sit down in a relaxed position and watch the path of breath.
  • Breath of Fire: This is a speedy, diaphragmatic breathing using rapid, light breaths formed by snapping in the muscles of the abdomen in quick progression.
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing: This is an unhurried, systematic breath which works on the central nervous system and results in increased easiness and deeper sleep. 
  • Bandhas: "Bandha" means lock, and the bandhas of pranayama are processes of holding the breath and locking it into specific parts of the body.