Saturday, 11 May 2019

Indian Philosophy

Indian Philosophy is intense spirituality that emphasises on the attainment of salvation and eternal bliss through a righteous path.
1_Swami_Vivekananda_Spiritual_Leader.jpgThe philosophy of India originates into life and again transcends into life itself. The main components of the Indian philosophy are the Hindu philosophy, the Buddhist philosophy and the Jain philosophy with little influences of Sikhism and Islam during various time periods.

History of Indian Philosophy
The philosophical tradition of India was carried forward by eminent personalities like Swami Vivekananda , Aurobindo Ghose and many more during the British period that is from 1750-1947 and is termed as the modern phase of Indian philosophy.

1_Lord_Krishna_Describing_Bhagavad_Gita.jpgSchools of Indian Philosophy

Indian Philosophy has been subdivided into different schools according to their beliefs, opinions, thoughts and way of action.

Religious Influence on Indian Philosophy
Indian Philosophical Texts:

Sacred texts like Bhagavad GitaManu SmritiNyaya Sutra, Vaiseshika Sutra, Arthashastra, and Upanishads have continued to nurture Indian Philosophy.

To know in detail visit here : Indian Philosophy