Thursday, 2 May 2019

Massage Therapy, Indian Naturopathy

Massage_Therapy__Indian_Naturopathy_2.jpgMassage Therapy in Naturopathy is a therapeutic cure to many diseases. It involves the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. If correctly done on a bare body, it can be highly stimulating and refreshing.


History of Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy dates back as far as 400 B.C., when the great Hippocrates, the ‘Father of Medicine’, employed massage and manipulation in healing his patients.

Benefits of Massage Therapy 


1_P3iyk2SE1R6ckxIpJjHGmAMethods of Massage Therapy
Cotton seed oil is most commonly used for massaging. If the patient is averse to oil, talcum powder may be used. There are 5 basic modes of manipulation in massage and these are:
  • Effleurage (stroking)
  • Friction (rubbing)
  • Petrissage (kneading)
  • Tapotment (percussion)
  • Vibration (shaking or trembling)
Types of Massage Therapy
There are different types of massages prescribed for different body parts which are as follows;
massage-therapists (1)
Cautions for Massage Therapy
Stiff and swollen joints can be cured by massage combined with mechanical movements. It should also be avoided in infectious diseases like diphtheria and gonorrhoea which causes formation of pus as massage may spread the pus to the entire system.
Massage thus provides additional nourishment to feed the muscular tissues, helping them to grow strong.
Read more : Methods of Massage Therapy