Saturday, 25 May 2019

Meditation and Diseases

stressed-woman-at-work Meditation is a practice to increase the concentration power of mind as well as to make a person more self-aware. The person who practices meditation daily becomes more aware about surrounding environment and ultimately the person have more control over self as well as on the surroundings. In this process, meditation is successful in reducing anxiety and stress as it generates a sense of empowerment and one have more control about his/ her physical well-being.
The diseases which are cured by meditation are as follows:
Drug Addiction: The Transcendental meditation technique has proven to be successful in coping strategy to deal with drug addiction.

Pain Management: Meditation helps people to cope up with pain. It reduces psychological pain like arthritis, backache, headaches, etc.

heart-attack-stroke-gettyimages-890776208Heart Disease: Transcendental meditation has also been found to reduce the risk of death, heart attack and stroke by 48 percent.

High Blood pressure: meditation reliably reduced the blood pressure people with moderately elevated blood pressure.

Psoriasis: According to studies conducted, the skin patches of meditation practitionerdisappeared more quickly in comparison to the patients who receive only the regular medicines.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Another meditation technique called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) has been reported to have a wonderful curative effect on the arthritis patients.