Saturday, 18 May 2019

Birth of Gautama Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama, popularly known as Gautama Buddha was born in 560 BC. He was the prince of Lumbini, Nepal at the foot of Mount Palpa in the Himalayan Ranges. He was born to Suddhodhana, King of the Sakyas and Maya Devi
Birth of Gautama Buddha.  Mayadevi was a Koliyaprincess. On the night Siddhartha was conceived, his mother Maya Devi dreamt that a
Untitled.png elephant with six white tasks entered her right side. According to the Sakya tradition, when queen Maya became pregnant she went to her father’s kingdom to give birth but after leaving the capital of Kapilavastu, she gave birth to Siddhartha along the way of Lumbini in a garden beneath a Sal tree.

Birthday Celebration of Gautama Buddha
 Buddha Jayanti is commemorated on the month ( Baisakh) of May by followers of Buddhism, and the festival is also recognised as Vesak or Buddha Day.

Naming of Gautama Buddha
Siddhartha means ‘one who has accomplished his aim’. Gautama was the clan name or family name of Siddhartha. He was also known as
Kaundinya-copy-223x300.jpgSakyamunias. King Suddhodhana  invited eight Brahmin Scholars to read the future. Kaundinya, the youngest of the Brahmins also told that the baby boy would become a ‘Buddha’.

Read more :Birth of Gautama Buddha