Relaxative Asanas are the asanas that by relaxing the mind and body bring physical as well as mental relaxation.
This is mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and it has also been added that these asanas are practiced in supine and prone position of the body respectively.
Shavasana and Makarasana are two important relaxative asanas, which bring about relaxation of the body and mind.
It overcomes physical as well as the mental fatigue or exertion. Relaxation in Shavasana renders the mind more calm and tranquil.
This process of tranquilization further helps in pranayama, dhyana, etc., as it contributes in increasing one's concentration.
Mental tensions are often reflected on the nerves and muscles, making them tense. Muscles under such tension remain contracted. They obstruct the normal blood flow and therefore get exhausted very easily.
A complete relaxation of the body achieved in Shavasana The name Shavasana indicates the total relaxation of the nervous system,
although it's literal translation is the 'corpse pose'. It is also mentioned as Mrutasana in Gherand Samhita.
Relaxative Asanas provide the most natural horizontal and comfortable position of the body that contributes to the physical as well as mental relaxation at the first instance.
Read More :- Relaxative Asanas