Thursday, 6 February 2020

Tridev, Hindu Mythology

Origin-of-Lord-Shiva-and-Vishnu-Relationship-between-lord-shiva-and-lord-vishnuTridev, the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara forms the psychological, physical and spiritual troika of humanbody

guru dattatreya wallpaper hdThe divine trio of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara were born as the unique child of Dattatreya ( three children ,yet not born and were exquisite concept).

om-sign-of-light-blue-red-small-3The Hinduism is emblematized by the symbol "OM" or "AUM" which encompasses the aspect, trinity. The representation of "AUM" connotes Brahma(A), Vishnu (U) and Maheshwara (M).
Brahma, the absolute and the creator was born in a lotus out of the navel of the sleeping Vishnu. The speech originates from the mind corresponds to Brahma and is also representative of Vak Swarupa and Brihat Swarupa. Brahma is also the primordial sound and is named as Shabda Brahmamayi.

Untitledlord_vishnu_sitting_on_garuda-otherVishnu, the preserver, the second God of the tridev and the consort of Devi Laksmi, is portrayed as blue or black skinned and has four arms which bear Sankha , Chakra, Gada and Padma ."Atma" or the mind emerges from mind and as referred to in the dictum "Vishwam Vishnumayam" is also admitted as Vishnu Swarupa.

Untitled1cb46aaab229678132e5853571cb2549The third of the tridev is Maheshwara or Lord Shiva, the better half of Mother Parvati, is presented as white with dark blue throat and three eyes and is known to be the destroyer and also the creator.

By the divine dance "tandava", Maheshwara destroys the senile and decayed and out of his power creates regeneration. Lord Shiva as a symbol of creation is worshipped as "Linga".

indexLord-Vishnu-and-Goddess-Lakshmi-StoryBrahma's tongue is the abode of Saraswati , the goddess of knowledge and wisdom.

Goddess Lakhsmi , the consort to Lord Vishnu, stands for the compassion aspect of Vishnu.

unnamedGoddess Parvati is inseparable from Lord Shiva or Lord Shiva presents the image of "Ardhanarishwar"( the half male and the half female form).

Read More :- Tridev, Hindu Mythology