Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Buddhist Philosophy

imagesimagesBuddhist Philosophy is based on the teachings of
Gautama Buddha. According to some scholars early Buddhist Philosophy was not connected with metaphysical or ontological speculation rather it was based on experimental evidences gained by sensory organs
Buddhist philosophy deals broadly with problems associated with metaphysics, ethics, phenomenology and epistemology. Buddhism is a religion and philosophy with approximately 230 to 500 million disciples worldwide, the vast majority residing in Asia.
Buddha-621x414Features of Buddhist Philosophy
Since ancient times, Buddhism has utilised philosophy as a means to comprehending moral and what it means to live a meaningful life without repents in the end.

Buddhism in India
Equipped with a huge history of evolvement, Buddhism in India was, quite obviously, initiated by Gautama Buddha.
Believed to be one of the earliest compilations of Buddha’s teachings, Tripitaka are the teachings or discourses that were penned in leaves and later sewed into baskets. The first Buddhist Council had decided the contents of the preaching, in the presence of Mahakasyapa.
Vinaya PitakaVinaya Pitaka
Included in the Tripitaka section of Buddhist sermons and preaching, Vinaya Pitaka comprises a set of rules stressed by Buddha, which is meant to be followed by the nuns and monks to lead a restricted monastic life.

buddddhaSutra Pitaka
Included in the prestigious Pali Canon of Buddhist scriptures, Sutra Pitaka is known to contain more than 10,000 doctrines of the enlightened being, Gautama.
buddddhaAbhidhamma Pitaka
Abhidhamma Pitaka can be regarded as a novel scripture compilation among the three pitakas, with its planned group of preaching by the Buddha.
imagesContents of Abhidhamma Pitaka
The most scholarly and comprehensible book amongst the three pitakas, Abhidhamma Pitaka is exclusively separated into seven parts.

Read More :- Buddhist Philosophy