Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Breathing technique

Screen-Shot-2017-02-27-at-2.51.50-PMbreathing-300x221Apt breathing technique plays the most important part in the awakening of the "Kundalini"

breathingOn the path to self-realization breath is the bridge between the body and the mind. In Hinduism "breathing" is therefore the life force.

9445-hic-diaphragmatic-breathing-3Diaphragmatic breathing:
The diaphragm is a huge muscle that rests horizontally across the base of the rib cage. The diaphragm is connected in the front, along the sides of the lower ribs, and also along the back.

Claire-Ragozzino-Yoga-Bio-Photo-Agni breath or breath of fire:
Breath of Fire is a breathing exercise where one should inhale and exhale rapidly through the nose without pausing, and pump the navel point while using the abdomen as a bellows.

Power-Walk-CopyWalking breath:
This is a wonderful practice that can be done in daily life, it integrates body, breath and mind.
ayurvedic-breathingAlternate nostril breathing: When energy is not balanced it can be seen in nostrils. Most of the time one or the other nostril is more dominant, allowing air to move more freely.

Read More :- Breathing technique