Friday, 31 January 2020

Padahastasana, Cultural Asanas

Padahastasana-2-1Padahastasana is a cultural asana that is also known as the forward bending asana. It is the seventh posture in the series of Hatha yoga positions.

201704-675x450-Group-Yoga-ClassPadahastasana is Cultural Yoga Asana which is an intense forward bend and has great health effects on the body. It is one of the 12 basic postures of Hatha yoga.

It is also the third pose of Surya Namaskar, the sun salutation sequence. It is believed to reduce tamas, which means heaviness or inertia in the body.

Practice of Padahastasana

In the beginning, one should practice for 15-20 seconds, increasing the duration over time.

large_rosemary_180815_YA13680_content-65889Effects of Padahastasana
Padahastasana is an inverted posture which provides innumerable health benefits. This cultural asana is beneficial in indigestion. It prevents stiffness of spine as this yoga asana stretches and lengthens the entire spine.

Read More :- Padahastasana, Cultural Asanas