Saturday, 4 January 2020

Types of Yoga

infographic-yogastyles15265582721527506455Types of Yoga benefits the practitioner mentally, physically and spiritually. However, speculating the right Yoga as per the need of an individual is very important.
bo-forbes-pigeon.jpgTypes of Yoga mostly involve the usage of different poses or Yoga Asanasmeditation and breathing exercises or Pranayama. While the ultimate goal of yoga is to unify body, mind and soul, there are different ways to achieve this aim.

bhakti-hands.jpgBhakti Yoga
One of the ancient branches of yoga is the Bhakti Yoga. As the name suggests, it stresses on 'Bhakti' or love and devotion to the Almighty.
pranayam-500x500download.jpgBahiranga Yoga
The first written reference to Bahiranga yoga can be found in Sadhana Pada, the second chapter of Maharishi Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

Bikram Yoga
Founded by Bikram Choudhury, Bikram Yoga is a modification of Hatha Yoga.

karma-yoga.jpgKarma Yoga
Karma in Sanskrit means action. This is also an ancient type of yoga that has been derived from the teachings of Lord Krishna compiled in Bhagavad Gita. Karma Yoga helps in reducing Ego.

yoga-bow-pose-z.jpgKundalini Yoga
Practice of Kundalini Yoga leads an individual to enlightenment. The concept of Kundalini has been an integral part of ancient Hindu philosophy

Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga was founded by Yogi Swatmarama during 15th century.

jnana-Yoga-2.jpeghatha_yoga.jpgJnana Yoga
Jnana Yoga is another type of yoga in India that has been mentioned in Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krishna emphasised the significance of Jnana or knowledge stating that it enables an individual to comprehend his own self and his activities.

shutterstock_403132198-1000x480.jpgGayatriMantra Yoga
Mantra Yoga, as the name suggests, makes use of mantras to attain peace of mind and increase the concentration power.

Swara Yogaswara-yoga
Dating back to the Vedic period, Swara Yoga refers to the control of the life force through breathing.

Read More :- Types of Yoga