Friday, 27 March 2020

Benefits of Yoga Asanas

The-four-limbed-staffBenefits of Yoga Asanas include an improved function of
flexibilitybody systems and better overall fitness, health and well-being. They also prepare practitioners for the higher stages of yoga

cow-face-with-eagle-arms-forhipsRegular practice of yoga asanas benefits the practitioner in various ways. Asana enables on to control mind; improves digestion; exercises spine; keeps nervous system in good condition and improves the working of several body systems.

Pranayama-practiceYoga Asanas also boost oxygen flow throughout the body. Supply of oxygen to the body is completely dependent on the respiratory system.
Practicing yoga asanas should also follow a proper procedure to attain best results.self-care-indexesyoga-1547069413 Yoga Asanas should be done in a quiet and well-ventilated place.

camel_0The best time for practicing asana is in the morning. It should be practiced before having breakfast as at this time the energy is at the highest and therefore, the movements can be done with ease and freshness. Further, mind is calm during this time.

Read More :- Benefits of Yoga Asanas