Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Ganga Aarti, Hinduism

Ganga Aarti is a beautiful scene of floating numerous illuminated lamps in river Ganga.
It is performed at the three holy cities of Haridwar, Rishikesh, and Varanasi in India.
Ganga-Aarti-Photoseries-By-AS-1-1-1024x585Ganga Aarti is generally performed in a form of light lamps with candles and flowers that's floated down in Ganga River.
Ganga-Aarti-ceremony872c71a28e0d9644631fd3fb3a9121e4e7fe6b94_hqGanga Aarti is performed in the places like Haridwar, Rishikesh, and Varanasi, where numerable lighted 'Diya' or lamps are floated on the waves of River Ganga.
Legend of Ganga Aarti
According to Hindu Shastras, River Ganga is imagined as a Goddess, who was originated from the Himalayas and then took shelter on the locks of Lord Shiva.

om namah shivayaRituals of Ganga Aarti
Ganga Aarti takes place facing the river. The lamps are lit and circled around by the pandits (Hindu priests) in a clockwise way, accompanied by the songs
in praise of Mother Ganga. The idea is that the lamps get the power of the deity.

A group of young priests starts Aarti in a well organized way by having a lighting lamp in their hand, starting a rhythmic chant of mantras.harkipauri-aarti-

Read More :- Ganga Aarti, Hinduism