Saturday, 23 February 2019

Yoga - Good for Health

Yoga is the traditional physical and mental disciplines in India that aims to keep body and mind fit.
Yoga, an ancient Indian concept, represents the way of life which endows perfect health comprising physical, mental, ethical and spiritual development. In Sanskrit, this word means 'to unite'. Indeed, the practice of yogayoga-dos-and-donts-for-beginners.jpg leads to the integration of the soul with the Supreme Being. This Hindu discipline is also put into practice to lead a healthy life.

History of Yoga
Yoga_2645.jpg Yoga is an age old Indian body of knowledge. Yoga evolved as a separate identity in Buddhism and Jainism as well.

Types of Yoga
1_Types_of_Yoga_3 Yoga can be classified into certain heads. According to Hindu Philosophy, the major branches of yoga include Raja YogaJnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti YogaHatha YogaMantra YogaJapa YogaPurna Yoga, etc.

Bahiranga_Yoga.jpgYoga Asanas
There are about 84 million postures and these include the pattern of sitting of different species which are known as 'Asanas'. The asanas had been explained by Patanjali while discussing the
Ashtanga-YogaBahiranga Yoga or
Ashtanga Yoga for the first time. There are numerous kinds of asanas or poses that can be grouped under Meditative and Cultural poses.

Yoga and Health 
Scientific research it has been found that yoga is helpful in controlling several kinds of diseases, such as, hypertensioninsomnia, hyperacidity, diabetesasthma, etc.

Benefits of Yoga: 

Yoga is a complete system that includes practices for body, mind and spirit such as ethics, meditation and physical postures. Yoga strongly believes in balanced state of mind.

Read more: Yoga