Saturday, 9 February 2019

Indian Religions

Indian Religions are called the ‘Dharmic religion’ which have similarities in core beliefs, modes of worship and associated practices, mainly due to their common history of origin and mutual influence.
Religion in India is the most prominent feature and it has found its expression in various art forms, literature and other activities. The development of religion has taken many forms in various cultures
A religion is a set of symbols

symbol.jpgbeliefs and practices, often combined with a supernatural quality.

History of Indian Religion

The ancient culture of South Asia, about 4,500 years ago, had come down to India primarily in the form of religious texts


Types of Religion in India

iam_indian..jpgIndia has been an important part of three major world religions including Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Apart from these varied types of religion in India, the country is also the cradle of Jainism and SikhismJudaismChristianityZoroastrianism and Baha’ism.

Indian Religious Festivals
Indian Religious Festivals .jpg
Hindus are engaged in celebrating festivals such as DiwaliGanesh ChaturthiHoliDurga PujaUgadiDussehraSankranti and Pongal. Among Islamic festivalsEid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha have gained popularity. Notable Sikh festivals, among the other Indian religious festivals include birthdays of GurusBaisakhi, Bandi Chorr Divas and Hola MahollaChristmas and Buddha Jayantiare the major festivals of the Christians and the Buddhists respectively.

Religious Thinkers in India

imagesIndia has been home to a large number of religious thinkers and spiritualists. A majority of the religious thinkers have also advocated themselves as reformers. The great religious figures in India include BuddhaMahavira and Guru Nanak.

Indian Religious Customs and Rituals


Religion plays a major role in the Indian way of life. The vast majority of Indians engage in religious rituals on a daily basis.

To know more visit here : Indian Religions