Monday, 25 February 2019

Navarasas, Natyashastra


Natyashastra deals with each of the nine rasas which encompasses not just the emotion, but also the various things that cause that emotion

Nava means nine, and rasa literally means 'essence', however navarasas in Natyashastra is used to demonstrate the nine categories of the 'emotional state'.

The Navarasas or emotions - Hasya Rasa, Raudra Rasa, Bibhatsa Rasa, Bhayanaka Rasa, Vira Rasa, Sringara Rasa, Karuna Rasa, Adbhuta Rasa and Shanta Rasa.

Sringara Rasa
Shringara is one of the most important of the navarasas. Bharata muni in his Natyashastra defines shringara as the rasa to emote love and beauty. The colour that represent this rasa is, green.

Hasya Rasa

Hasya Rasa.jpg: Natyashastra Bharata Muni has used Hasyam to depict simple lightheartedness or riotous laughter and everything in between. The presiding deity is Pramata and the colour white represents this rasa.

Raudra Rasa
 Raudra Rasa.png Rowdram is anger and all its forms. This rasa is probably the most violent of the navarasas.  Rowdram is represented by the colour red. The presiding deity of this rasa is Rudra.

Karuna Rasa

Emotions like mercy or compassion are rightly depicted amidst the emotion of Karunyam. The presiding deity of this rasa is Yama and grey colour is associated with this rasa.

Bibhatsa Rasa
Bhibatsam is disgust. Shiva is the presiding deity according to Natyashastra and is represented by the blue colour.

Bhayanaka Rasa
bhayanaka.jpgThe navarasas Bhayanakam stands for the feelings of horror or terror.  The black colour signifies this rasa and the presiding deity is, Kala.

Vira Rasa
In the series of navarasas, Veeram is demonstrated in the Natyashastra as the heroic mood. Veeram is heroism and it represents self confidence, courage and bravery.  Brahma is the presiding deity and the colour yellow symbolizes this rasa.

Shanta & Adbhuta Rasa

sha (1)

To know more visit here : Navarasas, Natyashastra