Saturday, 9 February 2019

Costumes in Bharatnatyam Dance

costumes-and-ornaments-of-bharatanatyamThe Bharatnatyam  costume is intended to look beautiful. The costumes of the dancer are gorgeous.

There are several varieties of Bharatnatyam costumes, some of which do not restrict the dancer’s movements, while the others do. The modern costumes are deeply symbolic, as their purpose is to project the dancer’s "sukshma sharira", in the material world.

Bharatnatyam costumes for women
Bharatnatyam costumes for women resemble Indian sarees
but are specialized for the dance. The costumes are bright and colourful.

Bharatnatyam costumes for Men
The costumes of men are simpler, usually a dhoti
2_Bharatnatyam_Costume_for_Male_Dancers.jpg covering the lower body and no upper garment.

Ghungroo in Bharatnatyam Costume
An essential item of the Bharatnatyam costume is the pair of anklets
 or ankle bells (ghungroo in Hindi). They make the rhythmic footwork of the dance audible.

Jewelleries for Bharatnatyam
Bharatnatyam dancers wear a unique set of jewellery known as Temple Jewellery
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.jpg during the performance. ‘Armlets’, ‘wristlets’ or ‘bangles’, ‘earrings’ and ‘necklaces’ serve to enhance the dancer appearance.

Make-up for Bharatnatyam 3_Makeup_of_Bharatnatyam_Dancers

To know more visit here : Costumes in Bharatnatyam Dance