Glass painting in India flourished in the late 18th and early 19th century's Yellow pages from history of art whisper that the Chinese artists learnt the art of glass painting from Europe, the symbol of cultural monarchy. The flourishing trade relations between British East India Company and China had introduced and cultivated this form of art to India.

History murmurs that the ongoing trend of glass painting first earned the crown of popularity during the rule of Panembahan Ratu II (1568-1646), the sixth sultan of Kraton Pakungwat, a long saga before the kingdom was segmented into Kasepuhan.

glass painting requires five stages. Producing a plek, a pattern or sketch on tracing paper of the object to be painted; the art is copied directly from an actual wayang .Then, the plek is shifted below a pane of clear glass, and the painter customises a rengreng, the contour or outline of the painting, directly on the glass from the plek below it.

The glass painting in India developed as the local painters mellifluously painted their thematic crux, building castles on the arena of glass by depicting popular stories, epic themes, icons, portraits and icons on the glass paintings.
Read more : Glass Painting in India