Elephant in Indian sub-continent is considered as the pride of the land's rich diasporas. The name elephant originates from Greek word 'elephas', which means ivory. The scientific name of the Indian Elephant is 'Elephas Maximus Indicus'.

Indian elephant is actually the biggest animal in Asia. The Asian elephants of the Indian subcontinent grow to a height of eight feet to ten feet. They are slightly smaller than the African elephant and weigh as much as seven thousand to eleven thousand pounds.

Asian Elephant is an herbivore, which survives on bamboo, berries, mangoes, bananas, shrubs, wood, apples, wild rice and coconut. Their diet also consists of twenty two to thirty gallons of water per day.

The female elephant leads the elephant groups. Males remain isolated and rarely do they form groups. They usually join the herd during the mating season. A female elephant protects the young ones very fiercely and in her absence the other female members of the group look after the young ones.
Read more : Elephant, Indian Animal