Saturday, 6 July 2019

Panhala, Kolhapur District, Maharashtra

Panhala is a popular hill station in the West Indian state of Maharashtra. It is now a weekend destination from Mumbai and Pune. Panhala is located in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra.

paaaaaa2History of Panhala

History of Panhala is closely associated with the rise of Marathas and ShivajiPanhala Fort is an only fort where Shivaji spend more than 500 days. Panhala Fort was the centre of military activities during Shivaji rule.

Geography of Panhala 

Panhala is located with a latitudinal and longitudinal limits 16 degree 49 minutes 12 seconds north to 74 degree 7 minutes 12 seconds east. The average elevation of this hill station is about 754 meters.

paaaaaaaa4Tourism in Panhala

Panhala is famous only for Panhala Fort. Panhala also has some monuments which were built during the time of Mughal regime. There are many places to see around Panhala.

Read more : Panhala, Kolhapur District, Maharashtra