Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Types of Buddhist Meditation

Types of Buddhist Meditation are many but are very simple and effective meditation methods. All the variants of Buddhist Meditation involves in breathing and concentration of the practitioner.
Types of Buddhist Meditation, either classical or contemporary, are always school specific. There is significant diversity in Buddhist meditation
in different Buddhist schools. The more complicated meditations are practiced once the primary
forms of meditations
There are basically two types of Buddhist meditation;

samnatha.jpg Samatha: This is the connotation of a pre-Buddhist Yogic form which
practiced extensively.  Lord Buddha incorporated some other forms to ‘Samatha’ meditation. This is another form of meditation in Buddhism.

Vipassana:Vipassana is one of India’s most ancient Buddhist
2_Students_practicing_Vipassana_Meditation_2.jpg meditation techniques. This connotes a clear seeing or special insight which involves intuitive cognition of suffering and impermanence.

According to Lord Buddha, Samatha and Vipassana are the two messengers, who deliver the message of

Nirvana rather swiftly.
Anapanasati or Mindfulness of Breathing: This is one of the most universally applicable methods of cultivating mental concentration.

Metta Bhavana: This connotes the thoughts of universal, undiscriminating benevolence, like radio waves reaching out in all directions; sublimate the creative energy of the mind.

Types of Buddhist Meditation in
Buddhist schools.
Buddhist meditation practices include Theravada
01_theravada_buddhism Buddhist meditation
Zen Buddhist meditation practice includes Shikantaza, Zazen and Koan. Vajrayana
 Buddhist meditation practices incorporate Mandala, Tonglen and Tantra.

To know more visit here : Types of Buddhist Meditation