Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Ayurvedic diet

Ayurvedic diet has originated five thousand years ago in India. It is comprised of not only edible herbs but also of mediation, massage and many more.
Ayurvedic diet is a holistic health treatment that includes herbsmeditationmassage and yoga. The science of Ayurveda teaches that right diet is the foundation of healing. The ancient Indian science of medicine ‘Ayurveda’ emphasizes that every individual requires balance and considers diet as one of the essential tools for achieving balance.

Significance of Ayurvedic Diet
Ayurvedic diet is an essential form of Ayurvedic treatments
Theory_of_the_Tridoshas.jpg as foods provides the nutrients, which are necessary to carry out the activities pertaining to digestion and metabolism.  It just not only nourishes the body but also supports in restoring the balance of
Tridoshas which is again a must thing in maintaining health.

Ayurvedic Diet for Doshas 
Ayurvedic diet can be categorised depending on dosha or constitutional type and also based on the six types of tastes
taste-1-e1547464664532.jpg namely, madhuraamlalavanakatutikta and kashay. These Rasas or tastes are present in all types of Ayurvedic food.
1_kapha_dietAccording to Ayurveda, the tastes can increase or decrease the three doshas namely VataPitta and Kapha. Ayurveda therefore recommends specific Ayurvedic  diet for Kapha Dosha, diet for Pitta Dosha and diet for Vata Dosha

1_Diet_for_Pitta_Dosha.jpg Ayurvedic Principle of Diet
Charaka opines that whilst considering ayurvedic diet it is also necessary to be equipped with certain utensils in the kitchen.

Ayurvedic Diet for Indian Seasons
In Ayurvedic foods, time indeed plays an important factor and therefore there are different diets for different seasons. Charaka, the great Ayurvedic practitioner which elaborates on the varied seasonal diet. Quite ideally therefore,  is far different from the
 Ayurvedic diet for monsoon

AyurvedicDietforEarlyWinter.jpgAyurvedic diet for summer or from the

Ayurvedic diet for winter. Even there are specified

Ayurvedic Diet for spring and late winters and also for Early Winter
To know more visit here :

Ayurvedic Diet