Concept of Food in Ayurveda reveals the profound effects of Ayurvedic food.
Concept of Food in Ayurveda is the vital carrier and balancer for the energy of Prana in the body. Foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, beans, herbs and roots.
Ayurveda is not only confined to the healing of disease in a superficial treatment of symptoms. Indian yogisplace great emphasis on diet as an integral part of the successful practice of any spiritual discipline. In Ayurvedic foods, the blend and proportion of spices must be regulated to meet the physical constitutions and temperaments.

Ancient Concept of Food in Ayurveda
According to the Upanishads, the ancient scriptures of India, food is Brahman, the Divine reality. In Hindu eating, the food taken in is given as an offering to the Divine Fire in the stomach, by whose grace one digest the food.

According to Ayurveda, foods have therapeutic properties which are defined largely by the taste.

Sattvic Food in Ayurveda
Ayurveda, as part of the science of Yoga, teaches us to eat primarily Sattvic Food. Sattvic Food is defined as food that is vegetarian, fresh, cooked in the appropriate manner and not overly spiced or oily.
To know more visit here : Concept of Food in Ayurveda