Bubblegram Craftof India
A bubblegram is a three dimensional image which is composed of points and remains suspended in a medium, usually a plastic block. Laser bubble-gram is in vogue. Crossing lasers in 'appropriately-doped' plastic, which may cause a chemical reaction through heat or 'photonic' inflammation makes these images. Such crafts are manufactured in several lanes of Kolkata and Mumbai.
Clay Craft of India
The origin of clay crafts in the country dates back to as early as the Indus Valley Civilisation. The Indian states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal and Rajasthan are renowned for their diverse form of clay crafts. The terracotta crafts of West Bengal, 'kagzi' or paper pottery made in Alwar region of Rajasthan and 'khurja' pottery of Uttar Pradesh are quite popular. During the Sultanateperiod in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, India proceeded with its own manufactory of blue pottery.
Stone Craft of India
The art of sculpture is the poetic expression of stone craft. Sculptures of deities, decorative for house interiors, modelled on classical prototypes, continue to be made in every nook and corner of India. In the interiors of India such sculptures and exquisite figures are carved in relief with details engraved in fine lines. These objects are handmade artistic work made using hammer and chisels. Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa and Rajasthan are well-known centres of production of beautiful stone crafts.
Glass craft of India
As early as 800 B.C., i.e, at the time when the Yajur Veda was composed, glass craft was very popular. It is evident from the archaeological findings at Basti in Uttar Pradesh that glassware is about 2000 years old. The way glass is prepared transformed into various shapes is remarkable. Various decorative products like chandeliers, glass lamps, hanging lamp shades, glass lanterns, glass jewelleries like bangles and many other products are manufactured in different portions of India.
Metal Craft of India
Metal crafts in India include the numerous products which are made with the aide of several metals like gold, silver, bronze, brass, copper and bell metal. Silver filigree work of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, brassware of Rajasthan, Orissa and other Indian states, 'dokra' metal crafts of Orissa, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh, metal enamelled work of Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh and marvellous metal crafts of bell metal manufactured in Kerala, Bihar, Tripura and Assam are worth mentioning.
Lac Craft of India
The states of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Punjab, Rajasthan and Karnataka specialise in the production of magnificent lac crafts like bangles, utensils and decorative products. Lac industry has been growing since ancient times and over the years; many adept artisans have emerged throughout the country. Lac work is applied to furniture and other decorative items.
Horn and Bone Craft of India
The craftsmen of states like Kerala, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and the Gajapati district of Orissa are engaged in crafting various horn and bone crafts like walking sticks, pen stands, paper weights, snuff boxes, table lamps, lamp shades and many more.
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