Monday, 19 October 2020

Types of Meditation


Types of MeditationTypes of Meditation are numerous which assert to keep the mind calm and composed. The breath tends to become slow, deep and regular. The mind revolves about the continuous rhythm of inhalation and exhalation which provides a natural object of meditation. Meditation can be initiated with the simple process of breath watching. Yoga and meditation is associated with a direct correlation between one’s breath and one’s state of the mind.

Meditation is a method which is considered to be an ancient approach for achieving a peaceful mind and attaining concentrated mind. It is practised to achieve a mind-body connection and to realize specific developmental goals. This very method is considered to be about 4,000 years old and is present since the beginning of Yoga. There are many different types of meditation that are practiced at present. Thus, the benefits from number of different types of meditation are also felt. All meditation types are found to be effective in reducing stress. These methods eliminate stress by creating detachment. Meditation compliments the physical world as the final step in spirituality, and honours the problems of life as the stimuli of growth.

There are various types of meditation and they can be categorized into broader approaches.

Concentrative Meditation: Concentrative meditation is the form that mainly focuses the attention on the breath, on an image, or a sound (mantra), which can be a soothing music. Concentrative meditation is practised by sitting quietly and focusing the attention on the breath. It concentrates on opening up the mind, to sense the five given sagacity and allows the mind to achieve greater awareness and clarity.

Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness meditation involves in opening the attention to become aware of the continuously passing parade of sensations, feelings, images, thoughts, sounds, smells, touch and so on, without becoming involved with each of them. It is the process of watching the mind and simply witnessing whatever goes through the mind. Thus a non-reactive state of mind can be achieved.

Types of MeditationTranscendental Meditation: Transcendental meditation is a diverse type of meditation which is related to repetition of a specific sound or a mantra. This mantra or sound has to be repeated or practiced according to specific procedure. The mind is engrossed in settling down or is “transcended” and a state of restful alertness is experienced.