Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Panchagavya, Ayurveda


Panchagavya, AyurvedaPanchagavya is famous as a cancer treatment medicine as well as a pesticide. It is very powerful and is very good for health. Panchagavya is among the traditional products that are used in various Hindu rituals from ancient periods in India. The usage of Panchagavya is also known as ‘Cowpathy Treatment’ which is essential component of Ayurvedic medicine and possesses religious importance especially to the Hindus. Panchagavya is a Sanskrit term which is the blend of five products obtained from cow. This concoction involves five different products of cow like cow dung, cow urine, cow milk, cow ghee and curd. Such ingredients are mixed in a perfect ratio and the mixture obtained is permitted to undergo fermentation. The water of tender coconuts, bananas, groundnut cake and yeast are employed to create this unique mixture called Panchagavya, which can be utilized as a powerful organic pesticide.

Ingredients of Panchagavya
Panchagavya must be prepared with the aide of some significant ingredients like jaggery, cow urine, ripe bananas, cow curd, water of tender coconuts and cow ghee.

  • Cow Dung: Cow dung has an antiseptic property. It also has anti-bacterial and fungicidal properties. According to old Hindu Ayurvedic science, the cow dung is mixed with waters and then the filtrate is taken out of the suspension, which is the main ingredient of the skin ointments that is effective in case of serious skin problems like eczemapsoriasis and gangrene.

  • Cow Urine: The cow urine is also sold in the market under the label ‘Gift of the Cow’. It has also medicinal properties. As per Ayurveda, cow’s urine is considered as one of the fundamental ingredients of many Ayurvedic medicines as this has some medicinal properties.

  • Cow Milk: As per Ayurveda, cow milk provides special and unique nutrition, which cannot be derived from any other type of food. Cow milk must be digested properly to nourish all the tissues. It also promotes balanced emotions as well as balances all the ‘Ayurvedic Doshas’. This is also an important food that enhances ‘Ojas’, the force that maintain life.

  • Cow Ghee: According to Ayurveda, the cow ghee is believed to be the best for human consumption. It has much nutritive qualities and is an ideal diet for the heart patients. The regular consumption of cow ghee enhances physical and mental strength, maintains healthy body and increases the potency of the body. Cow ghee has nutritive value also and also helps in taking out the impurities from the body. The cow ghee enhances eyesight; maintain the health of muscles and tendons and keeps the bones stout but flexible.

  • Curd or Dahi: Curd is another by-product of cow milk. In Sanskrit the curd is called ‘Dahi’. The ancient Ayurveda specialists of India like Charaka and Sushruta have described the qualities and usefulness of curd. In many diseases curd is used due to its therapeutic value. The curd has been described as the tonic. It has got the properties that prevent premature aging. Curd cures the patients of diarrhoea and dysentery. In chronic specific and non-specific colitis the curd is also very helpful.

  • To learn more, click the link below: