Kundalini Chakras, Yoga
Kundalini Chakras are the 7 Chakras, according to Kundalini meditation are awakened. The Chakras are arranged vertically along the spine and abundant energy pathways or channels are present, called Nadis that intersect at these Chakras. The Chakras are sometimes referred to as lotuses, since they open and close like a flower, and in the yogic system they are represented with varied number of petals, ranging from 4 at the base Chakra to 1000 at the crown. They can be stimulating and awakened by yogic practices like asanas, breathing and meditation. When motivated, they create latent forces, which awaken the power to triumph over disease, decay and finally, according to the ancient yogis, death as well.Concept of Chakra in KundaliniThe word Chakra is a Sanskrit word, meaning "wheel" or "disc". In the ancient yoga systems of India, the word ‘Chakra’ described a spinning vortex of energy in the subtle body.Seven Kundalini ChakrasThe lotus is used as a symbol for purity in regard to the Chakras, because despite of living in mud it is not soiled by the mud but rises above it. Thus the lotus justifies the theory of Maya Shakti. Each petal of the lotus is a separate Bija Mantra for that particular Chakra. The 7 kundalini chakras are as follows;Mooladhara Chakra (base of spine): memory, time and space;Svadhishthana Chakra (below navel): reason;Manipura Chakra (solar plexus): willpower;Anahata Chakra (heart center): direct cognition;Vishuddha Chakra (throat): divine love;Ajna Chakra (third eye): divine sight;Sahasrara Chakra (crown of head): illumination, Godliness.
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