Thursday, 12 November 2020

Golf in India


Golf in India, Indian AthleticsGolf is India is one of the oldest and widely played games in India. Indian Golf has earned a lot of recognition and reputation all over world since its inception.

History of Golf
The history of Golf dates back to several centuries ago. Though the exact timing of the inception of Golf is known, it is thought that Golf was conceived around 600 years ago. However, the history of Golf in India is not that much old. The Indians started playing the game during the first half of the nineteenth century. The first ever Golf Club of India, named the Royal Calcutta Golf Club (RCGC) was established in the year 1829 and heralded the journey of Golf in India. India has the distinction of being the first country outside Great Britain to start playing Golf. The RCGC is also considered to be the first ever Golf Club outside Great Britain. After the formation of RCGC, a large number of other Golf Clubs started to be established in India during the nineteenth century. As, India was under British rule at that time, most of the Golf Clubs in India were being run and managed by the British people. Some of the most ancient Golf clubs in India include the Royal Bombay Golf Club, the Bangalore Golf Club, the Shillong Golf Club, etc.

Golf in India, Indian AthleticsSince the middle half of the twentieth century, the Indian Golf was not being managed in an organised way. Most of the Indian Golf clubs were affiliated to the Royal Calcutta Golf Club (RCGC) at that time. However, during the 1950s, a group of eminent professional Indian Golfers started taking initiatives for a better management of Indian Golf. They felt the need of having a national governing body for Golf in India that would look after all kinds of Golf related activities in India. With a view to serve this purpose, they collectively established the Indian Golf Union (IGU), as the apex body of Golf in India. The IGU started working for the well being of Indian Golf and soon after its formation, a number of state Golf associations also started to come into being in different parts of India.

Management of Golf in India
Indian Golf is currently being managed by the Indian Golf Union and the state Golf associations. They are taking a lot of initiatives to improve the status of Golf in India and also to bring up new talented Golfers from every part of the country. Apart from the IGU and the state Golf associations, the Indian Golf clubs have also played an important role in the development of Golf in India. They have also taken a lot of initiatives to spread the game all over the country. In fact, they are in charge of managing and maintaining the Indian Golf courses situated in different parts of the country.

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