Saturday, 21 December 2019

Cancer, Naturopathy

SS21580898-1280x720.jpgHow-a-Cancer-Gene-Promotes-Tumor-GrowthCancer is a malignant in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth.

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth.

The branch of medicine involved with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer is called ‘Oncology’. Cancer can affect all kinds of living beings in the world, including human and animals.

Causes of Cancer
Many causes have been identified behind the development of cancer. Though the prime cause of cancer is not known, certain cancer-promoting substances have been identified, which increase the chances of the disease.

peffects-of-secondhand-smoke-on-kids-1038x576.jpgMajority of cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These abnormalities may happen due to the effects of different substances like tobacco smoke, radiation, chemicals, or infectious agents, etc.
Symptoms of Cancer
There are several symptoms that help to identify cancers. The symptoms of cancers can be classified in 3 major groups like the local symptoms, the symptoms of metastasis (spreading), and the systemic symptoms.

Types of Cancers
Several types of cancers have been identified so far, and most of them form a tumour. However, some cancers like leukaemia do not form any tumour. The classification of cancers can be done depending on the organ they affect. Some of the most commonly found cancers include;


Treatments for Cancer
Many methods are used for the treatment of cancers. In India, cancer is treated following different traditional methods like AyurvedaHomoeopathicUnani, etc. and Yoga is also used sometimes for the treatment of cancers.

Untitleddepositphotos_53688317-stock-photo-healthy-woman-eating-fruits-vegetables.jpgPrevention of Cancer
Taking different preventive actions is another effective way to avoid the development of cancers.
Different preventive actions include:
  • Not smoking;
  • Not drinking too much alcohol;
  • Limiting red meat consumption;
  • Eating fruits and vegetables;
  • Maintaining a controlled diet or reaching a healthy weight;
Read More :- Cancer, Naturopathy