Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Christmas, Indian Christian Festival


For you all to know, what is christmas & why it is celebrated we are sharing blog read it..,

Christmas_TreeChristmas celebrates the Nativity of Jesus Christ, founder of Christianity. The word Christmas comes from the words "Cristes Maesse", or "Christ's Mass." Historians claim that the first celebration of Christmas took place in Rome in 336 A.D. It was an important festival during British period all over India. After India achieved Independence from the British rule, this festival lost much of its official importance. The tradition of celebrating it as left behind by the British, continues even to this day.

Christmas Celebrations in India
Dances, carols, Christmas trees, arrival of Santa Claus, midnight mass form the main celebrations of Christmas. Night is enlivened by carols, dances and the midnight mass, and preparation of dishes for the Christmas feast. The day is spent in visiting friends and relatives, and in feasting. These are generally the customs introduced by Europeans and followed by Christians, practically all over India.

 To know more visit here : CHRISTMAS