Thursday, 26 December 2019

Churches in Goa

4-Must-Visit-Churches-of-Goa-IndiaChurches in Goa bear testimony to the Portuguese rule in India and are ancient pilgrimage spots, portraying gorgeous architectural styles.

Churches in Goa are amongst the most renowned institutions which are marvellous manifestations of Portuguese colonization in this part of the nation.
Goa_-_Basilica_of_Bom_Jesus,_views_inside_and_around1.jpgshutterstock_1073481062_20190822145857.jpgBasilica of Bom Jesus
The Basilica of Bom Jesus had been constructed during the 16th century and possesses the mortal remains of the famous saint, Francis Xavier, inside a silver container. Today, the church is a World Heritage Monument and it is dedicated to Infant Jesus.

se-cathedral-600x436 Se Cathedral
Se Cathedral is one the most popular churches of the state of Goa.

old_goachurch_and_convent_of_st._francis_assisi.jpgChurch of St Francis of Assisi
The Church of St Francis of Assisi church is situated in Old Goa and was erected during the year 1661 in the Portuguese Vice royalty of India, by the Portuguese rulers who governed this portion of India during this time.

Church of St. Anne
Church of St. Anne, located at Talaulim is a reputed masterpiece of Christian architecture which had been erected in the year 1695 on the banks of Siridao River
100_4254_Main_800Church Of St. Augustine
The Ruins Of The Church Of St. Augustine are present near the Nunnery and it is believed that it was a remarkably grand structure when it was intact.

St. Cajetan Church
The architectural style of St. Cajetan Church is inspired by that of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and is existent in Old Goa.

Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception ChurchImmaculate_Conception_Church_Panjim.jpg
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church is situated at Panjim in Goa and is believed to be amongst the most ancient churches of this western Indian state.

Read More :- Churches in Goa