Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Viveek Sharma, Indian Painter

Viveek Sharma is an Indian Painter whose work is highly praised by both private and corporate art collectors in India and around the world. He is recognized for his large-sized photorealistic renderings.

Viveek Sharma is an Indian Painter who is considered as the ‘Painter of Metaphors’.

Early Life of Viveek Sharma:
Viveek Sharma was born in Mumbai in 1968. He lives and works in Mumbai. He graduated in Fine Arts, specializing in Painting, from Sir JJ School of Art, Mumbai in 1994.

Specialization of Viveek Sharma:
The subject matter of his paintings are about humanity in different shades, such as; relationships, shared spaces, everyday life and mundane happenings.Untitled.png
Solo Exhibitions by Viveek Sharma
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Selected Exhibitions by Viveek Sharma4
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Residencies and Awards by Viveek Sharma5
Read More :- Viveek Sharma, Indian Painter