Thursday, 1 August 2019

Water Therapy, Indian Naturopathy

Water is the natural solvent for most of the things and gives natural remedies to many of the diseases.Each function of the body is very much regulated and dependent on water, which affirms that water is indeed necessary to carry important vitamins, hormones, chemicals and oxygen to almost all the parts of the body.
History of Water Therapy

In ancient India even water therapy has been regarded as one of the most sought after therapeutic treatment. This remarkable water therapy originates from ancient Ayurvedic medicine. In Sanskrit, the name for the practice is "Usha Paana Chikitsa" which means "early morning water treatment".
Aquatic_photo_web.jpgHealth Benefits of Water Therapy

Drinking sufficient amount of water is necessary for proper functioning of body which also plays a major role in treating a number of diseases. Chronic fatigue, depression, mental anxiety, gastric disorders, urinary infections, eczema, rheumatism etc.

Precautions for Water Therapy

The routine cannot be broken for about 3 months. During this water therapy, high-cholesterol food cannot be consumed. Along with this therapy at least 8-12 glasses of water should be taken throughout the day. If water therapy is continued in this way, it will definitely give one beneficial results.
Steps for Water Therapy

The technique of water therapy is very easy simply by maintaining following steps:
  • One should take 6 glasses of water or 1.5 litres of water early in the mEach glass of water should be taken at a stretch.
  • After drinking the water, urinate 6 times in the first hour of the therapy.
Read more : Water Therapy, Indian Naturopathy