Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Features of Tantrism


Tantrism is the search for spiritual power and ultimate release by means of the repetition of sacred syllables, phrases, symbolic drawings, and other secret rites. Features of Tantrism have certain steps following which a yogi is able to realize the Absolute Truth.

Spirit of Heterodoxy
One of the main features of Tantrism is that it is a departure from tradition, especially the Vedic. The term ‘Tantrika’ was used as a mark of distinction from ‘Vaidika’. Tantra advocated certain peculiar and heterodox guidelines. The cult of the body, including sex -yogic practices along with esoteric geometric patterns, gestures and incantations are nothing but instruments to attain spiritual transcendence.

Spirit of Revolt
Tantrism as a movement of the masses is a reaction against the social ills and excesses of the established religions. It professed equality of all encouraged free social interaction among all castes and unrestricted access to ritual worship for all, in blatant opposition to the existing Brahmanic traditions.

Tantrism is essentially ritualistic with rites and rituals of varying complexity occupying a fundamental position in all Tantras whether HinduBuddhist or Jain. It echoes the strong trend that probably affected all religions to substitute tangible and popular ritual for the earlier abstract meditations.