Exercise For the Reptilian Brain
One must contemplate on how to feel about one's own territory; how can one change it to make it more supportive. One must meditate on survival, to what extent it is an issue for the individual. One must also contemplate on what threatens or heightens one's sense of survival.
Symbolism- The exercise is to get hold of a stuffed toy or picture of one's preferred reptile. Then, one needs to feel connected to it at times during meditations.
For the Limbic System
One must meditate on owning and enjoying one's feelings. How many different feelings can one be conscious at a time? It is advised to let cuddlesome feelings enwrap one's whole body and to honestly enjoy them.
Symbolism- Colour is highly related to and symbolic of emotions. To heighten and develop one's emotions is considered foremost task, to make sure that one has enough colour in life- in their surroundings, attire, food, or creative projects.
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