There are other principles related to these such as bahya, abhyantara, Pravrittis, samanyabhinaya and chitrabhinaya. It is the combination of all these principles which appear in their original form in the contemporary stage presentation of some of the Indian Classical Dances. Three broad principles govern the structure of Indian drama and stage presentation. The first is the mode of presentation, namely, dharmis, Natya and loka. The second consists of the different types of vrittis, namely Kaiseki, Sathavati, the arbhati and bharati. The third is full play of the four types of abhinaya, namely the angika, vachika, costume, make-up, stage props, aharya, satvika. However in Natyashastra, these principles have been discussed in the chapters on drama. The texts belonging to later period deals with dance as an independent art as well as consider these principles in relation to dance. In Abhinaya Darpana Prakasha the independent treatment of dance from the view of the principles that govern it has been enumerated. Sarangadeva and the writers of the Vishnudharmottara Purana and the Natyashastra Sangraha follow this.
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