Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Hatha Yoga Asanas


Hatha Yoga AsanasAsanas in Hatha yoga deliver two abstract objectives; one is to specify the posture of meditation in which a person can sit for a long time with ease and command. The better is the mastery for such posture; further deep one can go in inner meditation techniques. The second goal is to tone up for better health and energy of both body and mind. A pure body is mandatory for better flow of prana in Nadis. Although the real objective of Hatha yoga doess not just to master only postures, still such mastery automatically opens the doorway for further progress in hatha yoga. Not to mention that it strengthens the will power and concentration. The nomenclature of Asana is usually assigned according to the image of animal or object it resembles to. It's also named after some quality that it invokes. Generally these are prefixes and can be used on any pose to explain a variation.
  • Ardha means "half"

  • Supta means "reclining"

  • Adho means "downward"

  • Parivrtta means "revolved" or "twisted"

  • Urdhva means "upward"

  • Utthita means "extended"

  • A particular asana works in a distinct way on our muscles, breath and mind. Many asanas are even suggested for their therapeutic value. The detailed description of each asana, with its technique, benefits and precautions are given with the relevant pictures.

    Adho Mukha Vrksasana
    This asana is also known as the Hand stand pose.

    Adho Mukha Svanasana
    In this asana, the body takes the form of a Downward-facing Dog.

    Anjali Mudra
    The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another.

    Ardha Matsyendrasana
    The asana is an instrument for destroying the group of the most deadly diseases.
    Hatha Yoga Asanas
    Baddha Konasana
    This asana is also known as the Bound angle pose.

    Also known as the Crane pose, it symbolises the bird as it is an arm balance asana.

    For more, visit the link below: