Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Nine Planets in Astrology


Nine Planets in Astrology, AstrologyNine Planets in Astrology, according to Vedas, are known as ‘Nava-Graha’. These planets exist in the entire sphere of celestial and astrological studies. In Astrology, Planets are the heavenly bodies, whose movements are tracked by keeping Earth as the central point; the heavenly objects casting their influence on earth, nature and its inhabitants to a great degree. Although, technically Sun and Moon are not planets, and Rahu and Ketu are just lunar nodes, still they are essentially referred as planets according to the Hindu astrology.

Each planet has a specific influence in astrology and governs a certain area of one’s personality or approach to life. For example, Mercury relates to the mental outlook; Venus governs the love nature. It is the placement of these planets in the various zodiac signs that determines how one expresses the different facets of their personality.

The Nine planets in Vedic astrology are of prime importance to Indian astrologers. Each of the nine planets, which are also known as ‘Nava-Graha’, is discussed below:

Surya or Sun
Sun bestows willpower, energy and fortune to each and every individual, enabling them to live life to its grandest level. Right from the looks of a being, to his personality, wisdom and achievements, Sun or Surya has the dominant role to play. Sun provides with the physical, as well as psychological well being of a person. Its benevolence is received by kings, leaders, politicians, artists, jewellers, gemmologists, actors, alike.

Chandra or Moon
Moon or Chandra is responsible for fertility, growth, long distance travel, mental peace, memory, relation with mother and childbirth. An excellent and powerful moon provides good emotional strength and harmonious life. A weak moon can cause mental anxiety, emotional disturbance and tough relations with mother and people all around.

Brihaspati or Jupiter
Brihaspati is known as the planet of luck and is responsible for all the success, fortune, intellect and religious aspects of lives. Jupiter or Brihaspati signifies high ambitions, knowledge and accomplishments. Consequently, it is a prominent planet in the charts of successful priestsreligious leaders, politicians and people pursuing deep knowledge.

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