Friday, 13 September 2019

Dances of Kerala

090d570d6f967dafbe443d8a4b21968c Dances of Kerala  include a number of traditional as well as tribal dances. Kathakali, however, remains a popular dance form even today. The traditional dance forms mainly draw inspiration from the ancient texts and epics.
KathakaliMohiniattam and Thullal it includes in dances of kerala. Besides these, TheyyamKoothu, Krishnanattom and Koottiyattam are also practiced in Kerala.

Mohiniyattam Dance
Mohiniattam is believed to be the dance of enchantress. Superficially Mohiniattam resembles the Tamil classical dance, Bharatnatyam, but it is less complex in its mime, and, in comparison, rustically vigorous and angular.

  Kathakali Dance
Kathakali is one of the most well known dance forms in Kerala.

Theyyam Dance
Theyyam is another important dance of Kerala. It is also known as Thirayattam. However this dance form belongs to the folk traditions. Theyyam is a performed to glorify Goddess Kali.
Koodiyattam Dance
Koodiyattam dance is a traditional dance of Kerala in which Sanskrit dramas are enacted skilfully.p.pngVelakali Dance
In Kerala, Velakali is still performed in certain temples. The dancers are dressed up as warriors and carry wooden swords and shields. It is often seen that make up and costume play an important role in the dances of Kerala.
2863898615_8df8c039d2_b.jpgThiruvathirakali Dance
Thiruvathirakali is performed by the womenfolk belonging to Hindu community. This is a beautiful group dance of Kerala and is done during festivals like the 'Thiruvathira' day as well as Onam.
Krishnanattam Dance
Krishnanattam dance is inspired by folk dances like 'Mudiyattam', 'Theyyam' and others.

Duffmuttu Dance
Duffmuttu is quite popular with the Muslim population of Kerala.
Opanna Dance
Oppanna is a special form of dance practised by the Muslims in Kerala. This bridal dance is done the last day prior to the marriage

The varied and interesting dances of Kerala have definitely enriched its art and culture over the years. Art has flourished in Kerala since the ancient times. Amongst a host of performing arts, dance has always taken the centre-stage in Kerala. Martial dances are also common in south India.

Read More :- Dances of Kerala