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Thursday, 16 June 2022

Divine Body in Kundalini


Divine Body in Kundalini, Kundalini YogaKundalini in the divine body facilitates a person to feel oneness with God and the cosmos, to be in contact with his or her own glint of God consciousness, to feel divine vigour and love in life. As the monadic synthesises one’s individual karmic energy, so the divine level synthesises one’s individual karmic energy with the karmic energy interpenetrating everything, whether from families, friends, communities, nations, ideas, social pressures, the forces from geographical areas in which the individual lives, forces from planets, stars, or any other force. Every person is impressed very much by these forces, whether one substantiates it or not.

Cleansing the Divine
In the divine level, a person’s concept of God and the universe changes more radically compared to other levels. Several go through the “dark night of the soul”, sceptical about God, existence, intention or anything else in life. The divine body receives both the most harrowing and most gratifying purification and enhancement. Those with firm faith in a Divine Being have an easier time on this level; even during times of distrust, they have some faith to sustain them.

Facing Demons
Facing demons is pretty obligatory. At times one might be wholly against the spiritual side of life, whether on account of feeling disconnected from God or in fact experiencing the demons, which need to be metamorphosed. A person in the midst of purification is pretty conscious of this demonic side, which may entail deep feelings of bitter loathing, sexual distortion, sadism or other offensive tendencies. It is advised to pray for strength and supervision, as one faces their respective demons. One needs to fill oneself with light lavender and then breathe deeply and peacefully. One must allow the cells to be cleansed, altered and filled with spiritual energy. By doing so, one will redeem the negative forces within and ‘save’ oneself from the negative. It is only by facing the demons and metamorphosing their energy that one can exterminate them; some people desire professional advising when dealing with this facet of life.

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