Monday, 21 March 2022

Table Tennis Associations in India


Table Tennis Associations in IndiaTable Tennis Associations in India helps to promote develop and enhance the prospect of Indian Table Tennis, a large number of National and State level associations have been established, so far in the country.

Table Tennis Associations in India organise various international Table Tennis tournaments, as well. The Table Tennis Federation of India is headed by President Mr. Ajay Singh Chautala (M.P.) and Secretary-General Mr. D R. Choudhary.

Andhra Pradesh Table Tennis Association
The Andhra Pradesh Table Tennis Association (APTTA) is considered as the pioneer State Associations in India producing National and International players.

Assam Table Tennis Association
The Assam Table Tennis Association (ATTA) is another state association in India that operates for the well being of Table Tennis in India. This is a registered federation and it mainly encourages the Table Tennis players from Assam.

Bihar Table Tennis Association
Bihar also has Table Tennis associations named as the Bihar Table Tennis Association (BTTA).

Chhattisgarh Table Tennis Association
In Chattisgarh, the association is named as the Chhattisgarh Table Tennis Association (CTTA)and it is responsible for giving a hike to the players, who want to pursue Table Tennis, as their career.

Delhi Table Tennis Association
The Capital City of India, Delhi has an association named the Delhi Table Tennis Association (DTTA).

Goa Table Tennis Association
The Goa Table Tennis Association (GTTA) is another state level association, working for the development of the game in the state.

Gujarat State Table Tennis Association
The Gujarat State Table Tennis Association (GSTTA) is one of the Table Tennis associations in India that is aimed at bringing up talented Table Tennis players from the state.

Haryana Table Tennis Association
The Haryana Table Tennis Association (HTTA) is working for promoting the game in the state.

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