Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Ayurvedic Skin Care


Ayurvedic Skin Care provides many remedies for the skin problems since ancient time, as well as ensure a daily skin care routine.

Ayurvedic Skin Care depends on different skin types in Ayurveda. The first approach to Ayurvedic skin care is to find out the skin type according to Doshas. The skin is the largest organ of the body and is a reflection of the overall health.

The skin has seven layers which gets nutrition from Mansa Dhatu (muscle tissue). Skin is the Upa Dhatu (secondary tissue) of the Rakta Dhatu (blood). The skin acts as the mirror that reflects the qualities of the Rakta dhatu (blood) and the Rasa dhatu (body's plasma tissue).

Skin Types in Ayurveda

Every individual have different types of skin that depends on the dhatu and elements. So the treatment should be special according to the quality of the skin. Spaceairfirewater and earth are the predominant elements present in the skin that determines the skin types.

Ayurvedic Care for Oily Skin
oil.jpgOily skin generally occurs when Kapha dosha is aggravated according to Ayurveda.  Acne and pimples are the general problems of oily skin. There are certain home remedies that can be applied in case of oily skin.

Ayurvedic Care for Dry Skin
dryWhen Vata dosha is predominant in the skin, the type of the skin is dry. Dry skin is easily injured and looks dull and lifeless in appearance. Ayurveda also recommends specific food for the dry skin.

Ayurveda for Healthy Skin
According to Ayurveda, every different types of skin needs different health care routine and different diet chart to maintain the health and glow of the skin. A healthy skin always glows and looks attractive.

Read more : Ayurvedic Skin Careskin-problem1-37k81le88chkemwj2nlc74.jpg