Monday, 13 February 2023

Uses of Rose


Uses of RoseUses of rose are multifaceted and spread across different aspects like gardeningmedicinescosmeticscooking etc. There is a saying that, "There may be many flowers in a man's life, but there is only one rose. Rose is not only amongst the most beautiful and admired flowers with a number of uses, but also one of the most primitive flowers in subsistence. Rose has its numerous uses in manufacturing of perfumes, essential oils, rose water and other cosmetics. Rose fossil vestiges date back over thirty five million years. It was discovered in Colorado, North America, Europe and Asia. Apart from ordinary regular usages, roses have had their abundant usage in the medicinal sectors. The flowers are also used in culinary purposes. The petals of rose are also used to make herbal tea.

The history of the rose has led to it being used often as a symbol. In ancient Greece, the rose was associated with the goddess Aphrodite. In the Greek Epic “Iliad”, Aphrodite protects the body of Hector using the "immortal oil of the rose".

Medicinal Uses of Rose
The Romans formerly used the rose for medicinal purposes; myth has it that Cleopatra festooned her bed and floors with unsullied rose petals. Roses have diuretic effects as they contain Vitamin C, pectin, malic and citric acids. In addition to substantial proportions of vitamin C, the rose hips contain several other chemical amalgams that encompass 11% of pectin and 3% of a blend of Malic and Citric acids. According to the researchers it is the presence of malic acid and citric acid that contributes to the rose hips' laxative and diuretic effects. As a consequence, physicians frequently recommend the use of rose hips or preparations with it to treat constipation and urinary problems.

The flower bears the quality of both an aphrodisiac and an antidote to warfare drunkenness. Its effect in medicinal science proves that it clears toxins and heat from the body resulting in a cooling effect on the body. According to researchers, rose aroma increases brain power and helps sharpen the memory. The rose flower can relieve one from sore throatrunny nose and blocked bronchial tubes. Roses are useful in fighting chest infections. Rose petals relieve fluid retention and hasten the elimination of wastes through kidneys. The practitioners of naturopathy and herbal therapy believe that rose is a wonderful remedy for dysenterydiarrhea and gastro enteritis. As it is a laxative, it works as a remedy for all liver problems including sluggishness and constipation. It has also been said that roses help to cleanse the liver and gall bladder. Roses also promote bile flow.

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