Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Medical Conditions Impacting Practice of Yoga Asanas


Medical Conditions Impacting Practice of Yoga AsanasMedical conditions impacting the practice of Yoga Asanas refer to the various ailments; acute or chronic; that affect or restrict the performance of selected Yoga Asanas. It also involves the pre-existing health issues that yoga practitioners must consider while choosing their Asanas.

Heart conditions and Yoga Asanas
People with a weak heart condition are advised to avoid Sirshasana, Uddiyana, NauliBhastrika and Kapalabhati. The same exercises are also excluded for lung conditions, as they involve much heavy breathing, although some, like RechakaPuraka and Ujjayi are recommended for practitioners with weak lungs in order to strengthen them. Sirsasana should not be performed by those with high blood pressure also. It is advised to restrict oneself to forward bending exercises as these help decrease one's blood pressure. Those recording blood pressure above 150 and below 100 mm habitually, should exclude the Yogic exercises altogether.

Women and Yoga Asanas
Women can practice asanas during first three months of pregnancy, though only the Baddha Konasana and the Upavishta Konasana may be practiced after the first trimester, as they strengthen the pelvic muscles and reduce labour pains. Women are usually advised not to perform asanas during their menstrual period, as asanas tend to concentrate on the abdominal region, however, a select list of asanas can help if the menstrual period encounters complications. Women should not stand on their heads while menstruating, thus precluding asanas like Sirsasana.

Digestive conditions and Yoga Asanas
BhujangasanaSalabhasana and Dhanurasana are to be avoided by persons with considerable tenderness in the abdominal viscera, especially when the spleen is excessively enlarged.

Medical Conditions Impacting Practice of Yoga AsanasThose suffering from constipation are advised not to practice Yoga Mudra and Paschimotasana excessively.

People with weak digestion should take to low protein diet. They should satisfy themselves with two meals per day and if possible even with one, the place of the other meal being taken by light refreshment. Water taken half an hour after the meal suits almost every constitution.

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