Saturday, 4 April 2020

Indian Birds

Indian Birds are of various types and are found in different parts of the country.

Indian birds are of various types and species and are found throughout the length and breadth of the sub-continent. The Indian sub-continent itself is abode to 13% of the total bird species found in the world.

For birding in India, the mentioned bio-geographical regions can be demarcated: Trans Himalayan, Western Himalayas, Eastern Himalayas, Desert, Semi-arid, Indo-Gangetic Plain, Central India, Deccan Plateau, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Northeast Coasts and Andaman and Nicobar islands.

Common Myna
This is a dark chocolate brown colour bird with bright yellow bill, legs and orbital skin. While the Sri Lankan Myna is of a darker shade of brown, the Indian hill myna has a conspicuous white patch, which shows when the bird is in flight.

Parakeet or Parrot
The Tota is the most lovable bird in India. Large flock can be found all over the Indian Sub-continent, from the foothills of Himalayan Mountain to the southern parts of the country.

Little Egret
This bird, found all over the Indian sub-continent, is almost the height of a village hen. Dwelling mostly in the marshes, water ponds, rivers and tidal mudflats, this bird is of a very cunning nature.

Indian Robin
The Indian Robin is commonly found throughout the sub-continent. It is often seen hopping around on the ground looking for insects. The male and female are dissimilar.

Indian White-Rumped Vulture 
It is an Old World vulture in the family Accipitridae, which also includes Eagles, Kites, Buzzards and Hawks.

Black Shouldered Kite
Black shouldered Kite is a widespread and common raptor, found throughout the country. It is often seen hovering in the air searching for prey.

Black Kite (Pariah Kite)
It is a dark brown kite found throughout the country. It can be seen circling and soaring even in the urban areas.

Asian Koel
The male Asian Koel is greenish-black, has red eyes and a pale green bill.

Green Bee-Eater
The most familiar and widespread bee-eater in the country and is often seen sitting on fences and electric wires.

Indian Roller
This bird has right blue wings with brownish upper parts. It is common throughout India and can be found perched on open branches and electric wires in open country.

Read More :- Indian Birds