Thursday, 6 July 2017

Indo-European Mythical Medicine, Primitive Medicinal Practices in India

Indo-European medicine is a mythical, social and religious phenomenon. The Indo-European mythical medicine may be categorized as follows: 

1. Aso Bhesaza: ‘Vedic rta’, the property of Varuna. Varunaic prayer healing was indicated inflictions by the magical sovereign in reprisal for healers of cosmic and religious order.
2. Dato Bhesaza: ‘Vedic Dhaman’, the law of Mitra-Varuna. Mitraic Aryamanic healing by the legalistic sovereign in establishments of rituals of cure.
3. Karto Bhesaza: ‘Vedic Shastra’, connected with metal (surgery). Rudraic healing of violent afflictions like epidemics and warfare.
4. Urbaro Bhesaza: ‘Amrtat’ (ambrosia) connected with plants and vegetations. Urbaro healing with herbs and vegetable liquids.
5. Mathro Bhesaza: Medical spells of magic character, i.e., psychological medicine. Mathro healing by way of psychotherapy and suggestions.

Old Iranian Medical specialists are listed as the one who heals by "Aso Bhesaza", the one who heals by the law or "Dato Bhesaza", the one who heals with herbs "Urbaro Bhesaza" and the one who heals with spells "Mathro Bhesaza". There has been a very close parallelism in the methods of Greek medical practice similar to the above.

A Vedic comparison is added where Asvins are said to be the healers of the blind, the emaciated and the fractured. The list is taken to present the afflictions to which the spell, herb and surgical cures respectively apply. 

The profound similarities between the physiological wind-doctrines of the early Ayurvedics like SushrutaCharaka and Bhela and the Hippocratic Pneumatism of Periphuson, Perihiers nosou and Periphusics anthropou cannot be overlooked. To know more read: